Live Interruptions
Modem Communication Status
Geo Representation of Interrupted Feeders
Power Supply Report
UrjaMitra Link
Industrial Feeder Interruptions Analysis
Industrial Feeder Interruptions Analysis (>=30Mins)
DHQ SAIDI - SAIFI (Excluding 2nd/3rd Saturday)
DHQ Feeder Interruptions Analysis
DHQ Feeder Interruptions Analysis (>=30Mins)
Live Interruptions
Feeder Master
Feeder Interruptions Analysis Live (>=30Mins)
Live Interruptions
Feeder Interruptions (>=30Mins) Analysis(Live)
Feeder Interruptions Analysis (>=30Mins & Excluding 2nd/3rd Saturday)
Feeder Interruptions
Feeder Interruptions Analysis
Live Interruptions Abstract
Feeder Power Outage
Circlewise Supply Hours
Power Supply Report(Section)
SAIDI - SAIFI (Excluding 2nd/3rd Saturday)
Day Wise
Abstract Report
SAIFI Analysis Graph
SAIDI Analysis Graph
Feeder Communication Graph
AGL 3-PH Supply Hours
AGL Interruptions
AGL Feeders
AGL > 9 Hrs PowerSupply
APIIC Interruptions
APIIC Feeders
APIIC PowerSupply Report
EODB Industrial
Geo Co-Ordinate
Feeder Wise Substation Geo Co-Ordinate Report
Circle Wise Substation Geo Co-Ordinate Report
Sub Station Map
Power Supply Status Map
SS Wise Feeder Count Report
SAIDI RANKING(Excluding UrjaMitra)
UrjaMitra-PowerOutages Abstract
Interruptions (>=30Mins) Covered in UrjaMitra (Duration)
UrjaMitra-Power Outages (>8 Hrs)
HTService Master
HT Communication
HT Services Voltage-Wise Communication
HT Load Survey
HT Load Survey
Daily Report
HT Energies
HT Daily
Readings (Slot-Wise)
HT Daily
Readings (Mid Night)
HT Modems Communication
AMR Billing
Substation Wise MD So Far
Substation Wise PTR Loading Percentage(%)
Feeder Wise MD So Far
Feeder Wise MD So Far(Month Wise)
SubStation Wise Range PTR Loading (50 to 75, 75 to 100, >100) in Percentage( % )
Feeder Wise Max Current(Day Wise)
Feeder Wise Max Current(Month Wise)
Feeder Wise Max Current(Between Date's)
SubStation Wise & Feeder Wise Load ( >100 Amps & >=150 Amps )
Overloaded Feeders and Substations
Overloaded Feeders and Substations Monthly Report
Load Survey (Currents-Voltages) Section Wise
Scheduling of 11KV Feeders Report
Scheduling of 33KV Feeders Report